

class ruffini.VariablesDict(variables=None, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

A VariablesDict is a dictionary with special features, created to manage in a better way the variables of a monomial.

In this case, we’ll call keys variables and values exponents.

The changes are:

  • If a variable isn’t in the dictionary, its exponent is 0
  • Therefore, variables with exponent 0 won’t be inserted
  • Variables are made lowercase
  • Variables must be letters from the latin alphabet and one-character long
  • Exponents must be integer

NB VariablesDict is a sublass of dict, so all the methods of dict are inherited rom VariablesDict; many of these methods are not in this docs.

__init__(variables=None, **kwargs)

Initialize the VariablesDict by giving it the pairs variable: exponent storing them in a dict (variables) or as keyword arguments:

>>> VariablesDict({'x': 5, 'y': 3})
{'x': 5, 'y': 3}
>>> VariablesDict(x=5, y=3)
{'x': 5, 'y': 3}

As said above, it asserts if variables are lowercase; if not they’ll be transformed automatically:

It also converts the exponent in integer if it’s a whole number

>>> VariablesDict(c=9.0)
{'c': 9}

It can raise an error if:

  • variable’s name is too long (ValueError)
>>> VariablesDict(xy=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: variable's name length must be one
  • variable’s name is not alphabetical (ValueError)
>>> VariablesDict(x2=9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: variable's name must be alphabetical
  • exponent is not an integer (or a whole number) (TypeError)
>>> VariablesDict(k=[])
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: variable's exponent must be int
>>> VariablesDict(z=7.13)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: variable's exponent must be a whole number
  • exponent is negative (ValueError)
>>> VariablesDict(f=-3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: variable's exponent must be positive

After that, it checks if the dictionary is empty:

>>> VariablesDict(a=2, b=8, c=3).is_empty
>>> VariablesDict(x=0).is_empty
Raise:TypeError, ValueError
__setitem__(key, value)

Raises AttributeError: VariablesDict is immutable


Raises AttributeError: VariablesDict is immutable


Raises AttributeError: VariablesDict is immutable


Raises AttributeError: VariablesDict is immutable


Gets the exponent of a variable from the variable’s name

>>> v = VariablesDict(a=2, b=3)
>>> v['a']

If a variable isn’t in the dictionary, its value is 0

>>> v['k']
Return type:int

Returns the dict as a string (as a normal dict)

>>> str(VariablesDict(x=5, y=3))
"{'x': 5, 'y': 3}"
>>> str(VariablesDict(Y=5))
"{'y': 5}"

Variables are sorted alphabetically:

>>> str(VariablesDict(k=2, b=3))
"{'b': 3, 'k': 2}"
Return type:str

Returns the dict as a string

>>> repr(VariablesDict(Y=5))
"{'y': 5}"

For more informations see VariablesDict.__str__().

Return type:str

Sums two VariablesDict, returning a VariablesDict whose exponents are the sum of the starting VariablesDicts’ ones

>>> VariablesDict(x=5, y=3) + VariablesDict(y=5)
{'x': 5, 'y': 8}
>>> VariablesDict(x=18) + VariablesDict(y=4)
{'x': 18, 'y': 4}
>>> VariablesDict(a=36) + VariablesDict()
{'a': 36}
Return type:VariablesDict

Return a VariablesDict whose values are the difference between the starting VariablesDicts’ ones

>>> VariablesDict(x=5, y=3) - VariablesDict(x=1, y=2)
{'x': 4, 'y': 1}
>>> VariablesDict(x=18) - VariablesDict(x=18)

If any exponent becomes negative, a ValueError will be raised instead:

>>> VariablesDict(c=2) - VariablesDict(c=3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: variable's exponent must be positive
Return type:VariablesDict
Raise:ValueError, TypeError

Returns a VariablesDict whose exponents are this one’s, but multiplied by a given (integer) number

>>> VariablesDict(a=2, b= 5) * 3
{'a': 6, 'b': 15}

If the number is negative, a ValueError is raised

>>> VariablesDict() * (-15)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: can't multiply a VariablesDict by a negative number
Return type:VariablesDict
Raise:TypeError, ValueError

Returns a VariablesDict whose values are this one’s, but divided by a given (integer) number

>>> VariablesDict(a=4, b=2) / 2
{'a': 2, 'b': 1}

If the VariableDict is not divisible by the given number, it will raise a ValueError

>>> VariablesDict(x=7) / 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: can't divide this VariablesDict by 3

To see if a VariablesDict is divisible by a number, you can use modulus operator (see more at VariablesDict.__mod__()):

>>> VariablesDict(x=7) % 3
Return type:VariablesDict
Raises:ValueError, TypeError

Checks if the VariablesDict can be divided by a number (True => can be divided by other).

>>> VariablesDict(a=2, b=4) % 2
>>> VariablesDict(a=2, b=4) % 3

It raises ValueError if other isn’t a positive integer

>>> VariablesDict(k=2) % (-7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: can't use modulus with VariablesDict and negative numbers
Return type:bool

Returns the hash of the VariablesDict. It’s equal to the tuple of its items.

>>> hash(VariablesDict(x=2)) == hash((('x', 2),))
Return type:int